We’re helping get out the vote in key swing states by organizing “Caravans” of Harris-Walz supporters. Join us!
What is Caravans for Kamala?
Caravans for Kamala is an initiative coordinated by Dads for Kamala and Men for Harris to mobilize volunteers from neighboring states to key swing states for single-day and multi-day canvassing trips. We need your help to reach 1 million voters before the election.
Even if you can’t travel, we need your help!

Where Our Caravans Are Headed
Click on the shaded states to see the available caravans.

Where Our Caravans Are Headed
Click on the shaded states to
see the available caravans.

Want To Learn More?
Joining A Caravan
Types of Caravans
Caravans are get-out-the-vote door-knocking trips. Caravanners are responsible for their own travel, unless the listing specifies a bus chartered by the organizer. Caravanners can drive their own cars in a convoy or simply meet at the destination. Bring friends!
We help as 'Travel Agents'
After you sign up for a trip, one of our Caravan Travel Agents will contact you to answer any questions, provide additional details, and make sure you're ready to door knock.
Get out the vote together!
At the meeting location, you will connect with other caravanners. Together, you’ll head out on foot to encourage residents to vote for Harris-Walz. Volunteers can complete their assigned walking routes either individually or with a partner.
Organizing a Caravan
Decide Location & Method
of Travel With Us
Most anywhere in a swing state we can find you doors to knock.
Decide if you will drive or are looking for a bus. Bus caravans require us to 'piggyback' on existing bus trips or to find funding for a rental.
(Optional) Recruit your friends or colleagues
Often Caravan trips start with a person who gathers some friends to door knock. However, many first raise their hand to lead and we find the volunteers.
Review the responsibilities
Meet and check-in other volunteers at the canvass location, be a point of contact and support during the door knocking by text or phone, check people out at the end, partner with the local Democratic field office representative before and during the trip.
Supporting A Caravan Remotely
Get the list of volunteers
on a trip
Log in from anywhere to our web app to see the participants in your Caravans.
Call and text volunteers
Make volunteers aware of door knocking training video and the Democratic canvassing mobile app. Check if they have questions about or issues with travel. Help them stay on track to participate.
Update volunteer pre-trip status for the Caravan Leader
Use the webapp to update volunteers status and chat with Caravan Leader just prior to the trip to sync up.